#13 How To Build The Community You Wish Existed with Asya Watkins
Episode Summary
In this week’s episode, I'd love for you to meet Asya Watkins. Asya is a highly regarded expert in the project management industry, not only has she built her entire career around project management, she's created a community to support, inspire, and grow women of color in Project Management.
Asya and I get deep into what it's like to be a woman of color in the project management industry AND what it's like to have a full-time job and run a business all at the same time.
Episode Takeaways
Women only make up 30% of people in the project management industry.
As a woman of color, it can feel like you have a lot of weight on your shoulders and people may question you more.
The minority tax – all the extra things you have to think about to consider other people’s perspectives.
People sometimes assume you are less than, so you have to have the confidence to let people know you deserve to be there.
If you experience discrimination - don’t lose your confidence. Take a step back and look at your organization’s culture.
People of color are taught to mute ourselves in corporate America.
Walk in, be professional, know your stuff inside and out and learn how to stand up for yourself.
You will have circumstances where you will not be treated fairly.
If you see someone treating a person of color unfairly make sure you investigate properly, stand your ground and don’t allow it to happen.
Wherever you work, it should be an environment that is serving you.
Trust your gut, if something doesn’t feel right, it probably isn’t.
As a freelancer, you get to decide who you want to work for and if you vibe with your client.
As a freelancer, you can be a part of a company without being in a company.
Figure out what your strengths are and use them to work out what’s next.
Whatever you are doing, whatever your goal is, give yourself the grace to recalibrate, start over and regroup when you need to. Allow space for grace.
In this episode you’ll learn:
04:58 – Asya’s career journey in project management
09:40 – Women in project management
13:50 – Representation in the project management industry
19:48 – Experiencing Discrimination in the workplace
35:00 – Employee to business owner
46:39 – Asya’s membership, Women of Project Management
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