3 Ways to Simplify Your Job Search

Maybe you haven’t looked for a new job in years and your resume is outdated. Maybe you’d rather lie in a bed of snakes than answer interview questions your current job that you hate. And worse yet, what if you accept a new job and you end up in a similar situation?

OK whoa. This enough to make you want to quit before you start. There IS a better way.

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Holly KnollComment
How To Live The Dream

Last week while waiting for the elevator my colleague approached, asking me how I was doing. Before I could answer, he asked a follow-up question, “Living the dream?” The tone of his voice changed, conveying a hint of of irony and contempt. Though this question is somewhat of a figure of a speech, I still paused to reflect. I realized, actually, yes. I am living my dream… at least a part of it. But it wasn’t always this way.

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Holly KnollComment
Believe It to See It

We’ve all heard the saying, "I'll believe it when I see it." Kind of cynical, right? How about this: try believing FIRST and TRUST that you'll see it when it's time. Perhaps not concrete enough? Read on...

As a kid growing up in Wisconsin, I'd always wanted to live in California. The land of fun, sun, and beautiful beaches (total opposite of Wisconsin winters). But back then my dream felt unattainable. I’d been privy to opinions that California was too far away, “so expensive”, and just wasn’t a place for people from small Midwestern cities. Utterly intimidating for a 13-year old. There were even times when my younger self doubted if I was good enough (yep, truth) to live in a place like California. Nevertheless, I still continued to keep my eye on the prize. I didn’t know when or how… but I was moving to California someday.

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Holly KnollComment
Feeling Underappreciated at Work? Don't Look Out, Look In.

You’re working insane hours, going above and beyond, making the impossible, possible. Successfully delivering one project after another. Turning water into wine. Wait. No one noticed?

For many of us, feeling underappreciated at work is unfortunately all too familiar. We spend much of our waking hours at work “fighting the good fight” often without so much of a nod from our boss ...

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Holly KnollComment
Career Switch On The Mind? 2 Books That Changed Everything

Thinking about a career switch? That’s great! Wait, or is it? The road to the next great gig can quickly feel like an unwanted second job. You’re already tired just thinking about it.

And if you’re planning on a really big career overhaul, you’ll meet all of the frenemies of big change: self-doubt, fear, and overwhelm. Panic and worry may show up if your decision will have a major financial ...

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Holly KnollComment
Decision Making Made Easy

You make hundreds of decisions a day. Trivial decisions like what route to take to work, which shoes to wear, or whether to go to the gym versus happy hour pile up and can take a toll. Decision making consumes lots of energy. Wouldn’t it be nice if was easier?

With your next decision, why not try this. Ask yourself: Is the answer to this decision a resounding HELL YES? If the answer is ...

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Holly KnollComment